Get Your Medical Check-Up Done At The Best Clinic

Medical check-ups are necessary for everyone. It is the way to find out whether you have any disease that is not showing any manifestation outside. The medical check-up for those arriving at Singapore for working is mandated by the ministry of manpower. There are guidelines about what tests must be conducted and how they must be done. It is best to get these done at clinics that know the procedures well. These clinics that are equipped to conduct various tests are also good for your regular medical check-ups to find out the status of your health. They have all the necessary equipment and trained professionals to conduct all the tests most competently. It is better to get the tests done at a reputed clinic because the results can be very crucial for your life. 

Get The Proper Medical Check-Up Done For Your Employees

All people who arrive in Singapore for the purpose of working here must undergo a medical check-up before they can be issued the work permit. Once the in-principle approval for employing the foreigners have been received, the company must send them for medical examination as mandated by the ministry of manpower. The MOM medical check-up must be conducted clinics that have the facility to do all the required tests and give the results quickly. The employees can get their work permit only if the medical examination has been completed and the person found to be fit to work in Singapore. The employees must be sent for the medical check-up by a doctor. All the documents in this regard must be carried and submitted at the clinic. 

The basic tests mandated by the MOM are for tuberculosis, HIV, syphilis, and malaria. All these diseases are contagious and can spread to others whom the person comes in contact with. The government mandates these tests to protect the citizens from contracting these diseases. The work permit medical check-up clinic will know the procedure and conduct the tests. Once the results have come, they will be handed over to the job-seeker. The employers can request for additional tests if they are interested in. The medical examination will help to prove that the person is capable of doing the work he has been appointed for.

Know Your Body Well

It is essential to periodically undergo a medical check-up to know how good your health is. Most people are under great stress due to their professional or personal lives. Stress can cause a variety of diseases. Apart from this the lifestyle of people has also greatly changed. The food you eat, the hours of sleep you get, and the environment itself can all affect your health badly. It is best to know the condition of your body so that you can take adequate measures to prevent you from becoming sick. You can purchase a health screening package and get all the tests done at a clinic. 

The medical check-up can show you whether all your organs are in good shape. There can be some diseases that are present in your body and are yet to manifest. Such illnesses can be diagnosed and treatment took well before they become severe. A basic health screening package will be sufficient if you don’t suspect any disease. This package will include the regular tests that can give an idea about your health. Once you have got the results of the test, you can consult the doctor for further action. The doctor might recommend some changes in food habits and lifestyles for a healthy life.


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