Must-Know for the Employer: 3 FDW Medical Insurance Conditions to Save Money

Your FDW worker plays a significant role in backing your household chores. That's why when they fall ill, it is important to get her prompt medical assistance from an FDW medical examination clinic in Singapore, pay for the treatment, and find a temporary replacement for the recovery process. 


Luckily, this is where your FDW medical insurance becomes significant and helps you deal with huge medical costs. However, there are restrictions and coverage laps in maid insurance that can lead to surprise out-of-pocket costs for unwary employers. 


To help FDW employers manage their domestic worker's medical bills, we discuss 3 conditions regarding your domestic worker's medical coverage and provide certain ways to mitigate unexpected healthcare costs.


Hospitalization Coverage is Limited to Ward and Hospital Type 


If your domestic worker should be hospitalized, the ward she gets admitted to will have a significant function in deciding the medical bills. FDW insurance policies completely cover hospitalization costs if your FDW remains in B2 or C wards at general FDW health clinics. Ho9wever, you will be answerable for the rest of the bill if your FDW remains in a B1 ward or higher. If that occurs, your bills can go from 30% to half of the bill. Additionally, families who utilize private health clinics and need their domestic workers to utilize the similar FDW clinic in Singapore should be cautious while picking their maid protection plans. 


Foreign Hospitalization Is Only Covered If FDW Travels With Employers 


We realize that maid protection offers clinical inclusion while your worker is in Singapore, however, what happens if she goes with you or she returns home on a leave?


In these cases, inclusion will rely upon your health insurance provider. Commonly, guarantors give halfway inclusion if she is going with you. At the point when your maid returns home from leave, in any case, her clinical inclusion turns out to be very restricted. While a couple of back up plans like NTUC give some inclusion to mishaps, others don't give any inclusion during your FDW's personal leave. 


Notwithstanding your guarantor's inclusion, it very well may be precarious to sort out your medical bill regarding your FDW's clinical consideration when she travels alone. Along these lines, you ought to counsel the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) regarding when you can give clinical inclusion. 


Dental and Pre-Existing Illnesses Will Not Be Included


Unfortunately, your FDW's clinical protection won't cover each kind of condition. For example, previous conditions are not covered except if your domestic worker was already having insurance in Singapore when the condition emerged. Since prior conditions can be costly to treat, you must get verify their medical condition before hiring or contact an FDW health clinic to know about full body checkup Singapore price.


Regular Medical Exclusions 


·        Nursing care 

·        Dental treatment for tooth, gum, or oral sickness 

·        Routine actual assessments 

·        Pre-existing conditions (except if recently covered) 

·        Non-crisis treatment outside of hospitalization 

·        Alcohol or illicit drug use 

·        Elective plastic or restorative medical procedure 

·        Contraception 

·        Travel to get abroad clinical treatment 

·        Psychiatric diseases 


Other regular rejections incorporate routine dental checkup, outpatient care, inoculations, STD treatment, and mental checkup. While a few exclusions, such as pregnancy, will lead to the cancellation of a work permit and no money-related obligations from your end, others may require brief clinical consideration. Since you will be liable for 100% of the doctor's expanse in these cases, it very well may be useful to make an emergency medical care fund to avoid expensive FDW medical examination costs.


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